Laptop Repair Made Easy™

Friday, May 8, 2015

Tools Used In Laptop Repairing Training

Laptop repairing tools are carefully selected and used in the laptop repairing  process. The process involves skilled engineering practice which can only be achieved after completing laptop repairing course Delhi. In this article, we will let you know about various tools and equipment used by the laptop technicians.

Set of Screwdrivers:
Screwdriver kit is one of the essential tool kits. It is used to open or unscrew the screws in the laptops. Reputed laptop repairing training institutes in Delhi provide their own kit to the students for ample practicing. Good quality screwdrivers have a magnetic tip so that you can easily insert or open the screws.

Soldering Iron:
Soldering iron is used in the soldering/de-soldering process. One should always buy quality soldering iron and not the cheap one. It is usually used in practical labs by the students or the technicians.

Cleaning Solution:
There is a separate circuit board cleaning solution used in cleaning the laptop motherboard. The components are quite delicate hence laptop engineers work with 100% concentration to remove flux.

It is used to test the break-up points in various electronic devices. For beginners buying cheapest multi meter makes sense but for professionals accurate reading is required. It is also used in mobile phone repairing process.

LED Pen:
As the name suggest it will have a LED flash light that is used to identify or analyze the entire laptop system. Students while perusing laptop repairing course keep this handy toll with them while tracking the screws or motherboard components.

Adjustable pliers are used to grabbing or prying the laptop small wires in the repairing process.

Laptop Case Opener:
Laptop case opener is used while dissembling a laptop. Here, you cannot use the sharp-edged screwdrivers since it can damage the delicate components of laptops like screen case, or any other plastic part.

Hook Set Kit:
Holding or pulling the laptop cables is done through hook and pick set. In several laptop training institutes, students first practice routing and unrouting technique before starting the repairing process.

Thermal interface material:
Thermal interface material is used while mounting or reseating a heat sink. A fresh layer of this paste is applied so that the heat gets transferred from processor towards heat sink.

Clean-up material:
Laptop repairing training institute in Delhi keeps a wide range of clean-up material. It includes cotton swabs, microfiber cloths and many more. By using this one can remove dust, fingerprints, while repairing a laptop. Isopropyl alcohol is also used.

Wire Cutters & Stripper:
Wire cutters and strippers are quite handy while making any type of modification in the wires. They come in different sizes and are ideal for cutting, picking or grabbing connectors, screws, wires and other components.

In laptop repairing courses practical training is given to the students so that they can easily identify and make use of the above tools and repairing equipment. Once, students are familiar they are given assignments to repair various laptops.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

A step by step guide to preventing the need for laptop repair

So you’re here to learn about laptop repair. Now it may be a cliché, but understanding a device or a subject, or even a person, can prevent all manner of complications. This very same principle holds through for laptops as well. If you understand how your laptop works, even to a reasonable extent, you can prevent all manner of issues and problems with it, and even repair it occasionally when the need arises.

This article is all about how you can care for your laptop. It will give you insight into the basics of laptop safety, and will be the first step to helping you to repair your laptop should the need arise. Before we go any further, I’d just like to say here that if you would like to learn more about the basics, and indeed, about the advanced techniques of laptop repair, you should seriously consider buying one of the excellent books available online on the market.

And now let’s go on to the basics of preventing the need for repairing your laptop. A lot of people run to their local technician when they notice a slump in the performance of their laptop. They may notice that their laptop takes longer to start up, or to start certain programs, or generally gives a lower level of performance than it used to when they first bought it. However, the simple fact is that performance issues are among the easiest to resolve in any laptop, or indeed, in any computer. Performance issues are caused by a small number of problems, and when you understand the problems that can occur and their causes, you can deal with performance issues fairly easily.

One of the things that cause performance issues in laptops is a registry that is too full. The registry is an area in your hard drive that carries operating data for the different programs that you use. Over time this registry can become full of data, including data from now defunct programs that you no longer use. This is because Windows, like a careful housewife, never throws anything away, and this flaw can actually cause serious performance issues. Often enough, simply reinstalling Windows on your computer can resolve this issue.

Another cause of performance problems is not defragmenting your drive. We won’t go to details here, but you should run disk defragmenter regularly on your drives to optimize performance. A third thing that can degrade performance is storing all your files on the desktop. Since Windows always loads the desktop at startup, this can cause serious issues with performance, and this is something you should know when you think of laptop repair.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Usual issues that owners encounter when they attempt laptop repair

While there are all sorts of laptop repair issues that the owner of a laptop might encounter, there are also preventive strategies that a laptop owner can use to prevent damage to the laptop in the first place. One of the most common issues that the owner of a laptop encounters is overheating.

While desktop PCs have their own share of problems with cooling, in the case of laptops these problems are only accentuated by how compactly the various components of the laptop are fitted together. Often enough, a careless owner will use a laptop while sitting on a bed or on a similar soft surface, that not only provides insulation, but which also has a tendency to seal the cooling vents of the device.

This is a practice that is little short of disastrous, and it can result in permanent damage to your laptop, and even in a fire hazard. It’s absolutely true – fires have been caused by laptop owners who carelessly left their laptops on a bed in such a way that the cooling vents were sealed shut, causing the device to overheat to such an extent that it set fire to the bedclothes and blankets.  This is just the sort of thing that can result in you paying massive laptop repair charges, if the laptop is even repairable at that point.

As you can see, carelessness with a laptop can be very expensive indeed. A laptop is a delicate mechanism, and knowing how to use it is absolutely crucial. Careless use of your laptop can result in the complete destruction of the device, or at least in you having to pay hundreds of dollars in laptop repair charges.

Another common issue with laptops is connected with the power supply. PCs never have any issues with power except in the rare case where main power actually goes down. However a laptop, which commonly runs on battery power, can develop issues related to the life of the battery. Generally speaking, issues with battery life are all linked to the fact that a laptop can only be charged and used a certain number of times before its battery becomes unusable. Therefore it follows that one principle of preserving battery life is simply to depend upon the battery as little as possible.

The simple fact is that you will extend the life of your battery considerably if you run the laptop off AC power as much as possible. The more you use the laptop off AC power, the less you will charge and recharge your battery, and the longer it will last. Maintaining your device well is really the first principle of laptop repair.

Some things you must know if you want to go in for laptop repair

Knowing about laptop repair is important. There are a good many advantages and disadvantages to using a laptop. The advantages are easy enough to enumerate. Laptops offer supreme mobility and a compact size that a desktop cannot match. On the other hand a laptop is much harder to upgrade, if it is not downright impossible to do so.

However, there are other disadvantages to a laptop as well. For one thing, the very compactness and miniaturization of a laptop makes it difficult, if not impossible to repair, at least by a user. The user who carelessly opens his laptop without knowing much about it might well be left with stray screws that he has no place for when he tries to put it back together again.

My point is that you should not attempt laptop repair without some basic idea of what you’re doing. On the other hand, it’s not hard to acquire some basic knowledge of laptop repair that will serve you in good stead. There are lots of tutorials and some very good books available on the internet that can give you a basic working knowledge of laptop repair.

Watching some of these tutorials or reading some of these books could well be considered a long term investment, because it will give you a knowledge base that you will be able to draw on for years to come, and which will save you hundreds, if not thousands of dollars in the long run.

You mustn’t think that just because all the components of a laptop are integrated into such a compact mass, that it is impossible to repair. This is not so, and laptops are actually not much harder to maintain or repair than a desktop PC. It’s just a question of knowing what you’re doing. Knowledge, in this case, as in so many others, is power.

If you know what you’re doing, you can solve most issues that arise with a laptop quite easily. You might require some specialized tools to repair your laptop properly, but acquiring these tools can really be considered a long term investment too, because you will continue to use them for years. Purchasing a good book on laptop repair, and the tools you need are together an investment that will last you a lifetime.

Of course it takes a little effort to begin with, but that’s something that you will never regret because it will potentially save you hundreds of dollars in laptop repair fees.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

The core philosophy of laptop repair

More and more people these days are interested in learning about laptop repair. This is not nearly ideal curiosity, but rather, merely recognition of the fact that the price of repairing a laptop is spiraling out of control. What with technician’s charges and the cost of parts, a person interested in repairing a laptop is left with the kind of bill that no one in their senses is really interested in paying.

That’s why we’ve seen a definite interest in laptop repair arise in recent years. Motivated by an unacceptable rise in prices, people all over America are turning to do it yourself books, kits and training courses that specialize in laptop repair, and their attitude makes perfect sense. After all, why should a person pay an exorbitant fee to an over-rated technician to do a simple job, when with a little training and information, they can just do the job themselves and save themselves a lot of money.

With people themselves adopting this attitude, it’s no wonder that the amount of courses out there have proliferated, and choosing between them can sometimes be a bit difficult. The key to choosing the right training course for you, is to select one that is recommended by a source you trust. Additionally, you can do some research about a course you are considering online, and see what other people are saying about it. If the reviews you find are generally good, you know that the course will be worth your while.

The first principle of laptop repair is, strangely enough, to check whether your laptop needs repair in the first place. A lack of performance, for example, can often be caused by too many background programs loading when your system boots. There are a good many programs on the market that can help you control what programs load at startup. As before, before buying any of these programs, you should do a search on the net to what people are saying about them. If the reviews are good, one of these programs might be worth investing in. As you can see, a good many issues with your laptop can be handled without any technical assistance at all, and indeed by merely using the right software. It is far better to learn to handle such laptop repair yourself, because it can obviously save you a great deal of money in the years to come.

The basics of laptop repair- installing and configuring a hard drive

When your hard drive crashes you are faced with a number of laptop repair choices. The first thing you have to ascertain is whether the crash is due to a physical malfunction or due to a simple corruption of the hard disk.

If the malfunction is due to a simple corruption, you should have few issues in getting the drive up and running again. The first step in such a case is to recover your data. You should this before anything else, because many of the methods used to recover your drive might destroy your data. There are lots of recovery software on the market today that can recover the data from even a corrupted hard drive.

You will need to slave your hard drive on to a friend’s computer and install the recovery software onto his computer. Then you can simply recover your data. Once your data is recovered, we can concentrate upon restoring the functionality of your hard drive itself. The first thing to try if your hard drive is corrupted without physical damage is a simple format of the drive. In many cases, the format will restore the drive, and will allow you to reinstall the operating system and copy your data back onto the drive. If this doesn’t work there are good many tools on the market that can help correct these more serious issues.

However, if none of this works you must assume that your drive is not possible to recover. You are now faced with the choice of taking the drive to a laptop repair center, or of replacing the drive all together. Many people would opt for a combination of these two options. That is to say they would take the drive to a service center, and if the technician assured them that the drive was irrecoverable, they would then choose to replace the drive altogether, but to do the installation themselves.

If you decide to replace your drive you should be aware that it’s perfectly possible for you to carry out the replacement yourself. First of all, of course, you need to acquire a new drive that is compatible with your laptop. Now consult the user manual or service manual for your computer, which is easily available from most manufacturers’ websites. Following the instruction carefully, remove the old drive from your computer and put the new one in its place. Remember to be especially careful when disconnecting the main connector of the drive. After the drive is installed you will need to configure the wires to accept it, and then to reinstall your operating system. As you can see, laptop repair for a failed hard drive is not that hard to handle.

Just how easy is laptop repair?

I notice that a lot of people go in for professional laptop repair when it’s absolutely not necessary to do so. I can understand taking a laptop in for repair if it has a serious problem, such as, for example, a crashed hard drive that you need to recover crucial data from. But even in this case, so long as there isn’t actual physical damage to the hard drive, you’d be surprised at how easy it is to recover the lost data yourself.

There are all sorts of easy to use and highly efficient data recovery software available today. These software can help you to recover data from a formatted or corrupted hard drive, or even data that has been deleted by mistake. I personally know of people who have recovered the entire contents of their hard drives using these software, after the contents of their hard drive were maliciously deleted by an acquaintance. Imagine the surprise of the person who deleted their drives when the owner recovered his data and was back to work on his computer within an hour.

All this just points to the kind of tools that are available to the average user today. The recovery software that I am talking about, for example, is so easy to use that just about any computer user could use it. There are all sorts of similar tools available to users, and even the hardware today has been made so modular that the replacement of individual parts is completely effortless. Under such circumstances, paying a computer tech a small fortune to do a simple job that you can do yourself makes absolutely no sense.

The best thing that you can do is to learn the simple basics of laptop repair and to then repair your laptop yourself whenever possible. You’d be surprised at just how often it really is possible to repair your laptop yourself. The number of cases in which you actually need the services of a highly qualified technician to repair your laptop is negligible. And under such circumstances the amount of money that you can save is enormous.

When people come to me for advice about repairing their laptops, I always tell them to just buy a good book on laptop repair online. Most laptops today are manufactured in China and this means that most of them basically operate upon the same principles. This means that one good book on laptop repair can tell you everything you need to know about how to repair any modern laptop.